
Explore the Digital Marketing blogs from Consultants & Specialists, with our blogs about strategy, SEO, Internet Marketing, Social Media Strategies, Digital Audits, and other tools for digital marketing.

Is SEO Struggling to Compete With Google Gemini?

Is SEO Struggling to Compete With Google Gemini?

AI is everywhere, whether you like it or not, it has taken over the majority of digital space. From writing emails to clients, to creating Instagram posts, artificial intelligence has overtaken most of the tasks that humans were doing. I personally have taken a liking...

AI and SEO – How They Work Together

AI and SEO – How They Work Together

In terms of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a powerful force, reshaping strategies and outcomes. By using A.I in SEO methodologies, businesses unlock a realm of efficiency, precision, and agility, crucial for navigating the...

How and why to perform a social media audit

How and why to perform a social media audit

Social media is one of the crucial strategies for business marketing. The use of social media for business purposes is increasing rapidly, and there is also a need to make sure your social media machinery is running as best as possible. This is where a social media...

8 eCommerce SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid

8 eCommerce SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid

ECommerce businesses often get so caught up in promoting their products that they tend to neglect their website and SEO. However, due to the number of products and their respective pages, eCommerce websites are usually complex and difficult to manage. If you are not...

How to protect your website from negative SEO

How to protect your website from negative SEO

Google constantly tries to improve their algorithm and the way they approach ranking websites. What used to work for you in the past may not give you the results you are expecting. Unfortunately, besides not boosting your website, clinging to old habits can even harm...